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Heading East!

Hey everyone, great to see all of the enthusiasm and support. Now that everything is updated and released to the public, the next steps in our preparation will be best completed as a team. This coming weekend, I am catching a flight from Minnesota out to Vermont to meet up with Henry in order to keep the ball rolling.

Fundraising, along with spreading awareness about our project, are still at the top of our to do list. We are also narrowing down our boat selections and putting together lists of the final details we have left to accomplish. With Vermont as our home base, we will head to the coast to attend boat shows, make our final selection and get the boat surveyed. After the purchase, we will be living aboard and starting our journey south.

On another note, we have recently added

a map of our planned research route through the Caribbean to the front page of the website. If you are considering flying down to sail with us at any point during the project, give us a shout and we can send you our planned itinerary and start the conversation about when it would be best for you to visit us. Many of you have already expressed interest so far – we plan to confirm dates and organize targeted pickup and drop-off times and locations in late October.

More to come in the near future!

Henry Bell and Grant Bemis lead the
project and directed and produced
the film. All images and content credit
With the Winds unless otherwise noted.
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