New Team Member
Grant’s been with me out east almost week now, and we’re putting the finishing touches on the script and shot list for our Kickstarter....
Heading East!
Hey everyone, great to see all of the enthusiasm and support. Now that everything is updated and released to the public, the next steps...
New website layout
J Catch ya later. Things are moving fast, be on the lookout for a donate button, full trip itinerary, and map of our route through the...
Summer Progress
Hey everyone, The Africa trip with The Lost Mountain team was great, but it is good to be stateside and back to work on our sailing...
Heads up
What up, ya’ll! It’s been a while since we last posted, so I figured I’d check in and spread some good news. Both Grant and I...
Some of my history, and initial inspirations.
Less than a year from now Henry and I will be setting sail! There is still much to be done, but everything is starting to come together....
A bit about me, and a few thoughts about our trip
If you know Grant or me personally, or have read the Inspiration section of our website, you probably have a good idea of our passion for...
Welcome to With the Winds!
This is Grant and Henry’s blog. We will be guiding you through the experience of planning and undertaking a four month sailing adventure...